Messwein, or Altar wine, is the lightest wine, very easy and rather drinkable made according to the infamous German purity law: the Reinheitsgebot. This is your classic Kremstal Gruner Veltliner: First of all it has the Gruner spice with dry, fruity and light weight. Notes of citrus fruit, red apple and rosewood. Fresh and elegant on the palate; expressive, with good length.
Weingut Stift Goettweig’s monastery home boasts more than 900 years of winemaking history. Fritz Miesbauer is in charge here with a young and innovative team around him. 26 hectares of estate vineyards with the flagships being Kremstal Gruner Veltliner with Riesling and small amounts of Chardonnay and Pinot Noir.
North East of Wachau and slightly bigger at 2243 hectares. There are three distinct zones in Kremstal. Once again Riesling and GrĂ¼ner dominate production for very good reason too.
GrĂ¼ner Veltliner
The jewel in the crown of Austria. GrĂ¼ner Veltliner wines are reminiscent of Riesling but often with more density, less overt perfume and more spice. Ages well and becomes a reasonable facsimile of old White Burgundy. Makes up around 30% of total vineyard area.
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